
C-Ready: Prepare for your C-Section

Most birth courses focus almost entirely on vaginal birth, treating C-sections as an afterthought—a quick mention at the end, with little real guidance or support.

But if you are having a C-section, you deserve more than a footnote in someone else’s birth plan.

C-Ready is the only course designed specifically for C-section mums.

This isn’t a generic birth course.

This is a roadmap just for you.

Find out more

Packing Your Hospital Bag

You can stop googling now - this is the list you've been looking for!

Download now ▶︎

6 Key Tips for C-Section Recovery

There's sooooo much I wish I had been told before my first C-Section...

These simple tips will set you up for a smoother, better recovery.

Download now ▶︎

7 Days to a better Scar

Does your scar feel tight? 

Does it 'pull', or 'tug' when you move?

Is it numb?

Or... are you too freaked out to touch it and see?

If you said yes, you need this guide!

Download now ▶︎